Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to correctly understand the difference between industrial LCD video wall screen and ordinary LCD TV's

Features and technical advantages and disadvantages are necessary to see the condition of the LCD screen splicing point selection process , and for video wall screen LCD digital signage applications and devices for consumer products is usually different. The customers should be aware of the following seven basic elements
First, the stability of the whole (including the duration of usage, and interference) LCD splicing screen when composing digital signage system, is usually used 24 hours a day, 365 days a year uninterrupted, continuous use of electricity (and ordinary LCD TV usually only work a few hours every day), and some of the video wall screen application environment may be more severe, which requires LCD splicing screen reliability and stability. Compared with ordinary TV, in the design of the current liquid crystal mosaic, power consumption, temperature and resistance to electrical interference, capacity and margin electric shocks and even trouble-free time was far greater than ordinary TV, LCD splicing screen must be fully shielded with metal housing to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility and interference performance; on the selection of components, various characteristics of the components used in LCD screen splicing of voltage, current, temperature, and humidity are higher than ordinary TV use meta devices; and in the installation, commissioning, especially on the components and the aging process requirements, LCD splicing screen have higher demands, ordinary TV manufacture machine aging is usually energized about 8 hours at room temperature, while the LCD splicing screen machine aging is required on the aging pipeline of high temperature, high humidity closed environment energized aging for more than 24 hours to ensure stability of the machine.

Second, the image clarity LCD display with intuitive reflect the image quality features is important, combined with full 1920 x 1080 resolution selected for the field of digital signage display devices, LCD video wall screen is the preferred choice of professional video wall screen resolution is the display automatically adjust the output resolution (no matter if they had support); its high reliability and high-definition display capabilities will ensure that you can record high-definition video that is edited, the video signal is displayed in the full front of the viewer. On the contrary, several TV LCD TV supports only common resolutions specified in the instructions. Since the resolution of the civil television signal only a few, as long as the LCD TV LCD according to the resolution of several common user will be the effect of treatment, special resolution will result in the video. 
Third, the color reproduction effect as saying clarity mainly frequency by the video channel amplitude characteristic decision, the reduction degree mainly by the LCD screen splicing in red (R), green (G), blue (B) three primary colors chromaticity phase signal and the luminance signal. Since the LCD video wall screen splicing is usually observed as a static image, and thus splicing screen color reproduction requirement is higher than ordinary TV, so the professional mosaic screen video amplifier channel should be on the brightness, color processing and R, G, B treatment with precise compensation circuit and delay circuit to ensure luma / chroma signal and the R, G, B signal phase synchronization. On the other hand, LCD TV due to the use of environmental requirements actions, after the rendering image is displayed. It can not fully reflect the actual effect.

Fourth, the use of the machine under material environmental requirements, LCD TV screen shell material has part metal texture. And the inner plate lines are industrial design, not easy to age; reflect the concept of energy saving: seamless Samsung LCD Video Wall arbitrary infinite "horizon" low-power design; environmentally friendly materials. Neat appearance, easy to industry needs splicing, installation, and other combinations. On the other hand, LCD TV machine housing all non-metallic materials and design. Internal plate line is designed for civil use, long boot easily cause mechanical aging. Further more the appearance of a non-civil rules television appearance, with mosaic screen digital signage system, the appearance of the arc as the auditory and visual systems and other ancillary facilities, construction up the overall appearance and effect will be greatly reduced. 
Fifth, the port LCD splicing screen multi-use industrial ports such as RGBBNC color difference with self-locking mechanism interface and professional DVI-D video interface; on the contrary, the LCD TV is no BNC self-locking color input interface, and DVI-D interface; 
Six, LCD splicing screen control interface can be used S232 serial control, password control and open up to more than 200 schools, hospitals and solutions to meet the various industrial environments. Video wall screen is more convenient for use, not by far controller can control all display devices, and the ability to assist, regular boot, delay boot, the machine self and other industrial requirements. LCD TV can also be used S232 serial control. But it can only be achieved with the controller away control command. Industrial control and can not be achieved.

Seven, fanless architecture splicing LCD screen with no mechanical exhaust fan designed to keep the air circulation and cooling business unit solutions to avoid mechanical exhaust fan that can be caused by dust and fan noise issues, when the internal temperature rises due to the unexplained reasons, LCD splicing screen backlight automatic control system turns on to keep the temperature below the maximum operating temperature. On the other hand, LCD TV is limited to the application environment caused by this no strict requirements.

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